Apple’s iWatch – it’s time for a Health Check


Recent filings coming out of Apple’s R&D department all seem to indicate a steep ramp up in wearable tech, focused mainly on a smartwatch. We’ve seen Bluetooth LE, induction charging, and bezel touch control, for instance, and the company has also been hiring people with expertise related to activity tracking and health tech. A number of previous Smartwatches have been on market (such as Samsung and Sony). Apple’s professional resources show it’s a serious process, looking to improve considerably on what’s previously been available as wearable goods.

The Apple ‘iWatch’ is reported to contain biomedical technology that will measure your blood oxygen levels and heart rate. Designed to be a Healthbook app on your wrist, calculating steps, calories burnt, miles and weight loss. Combined with the functions of telling time, playing music and displaying appointments. Seems like a convenient device if you have a busy lifestyle and need to keep track of your health.

Will you be purchasing an iWatch?