Pocket App’s My Poppy App has been shortlisted for the UK App Design Awards 2015

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Pocket App’s My Poppy App has been shortlisted for the UK App Design Awards 2015 under the Community app  category. The UK app design awards celebrate the courage of those who commission, create and consume high end design, praising those who create and underpin demand for design.

Pocket App designed and developed a donation app as part of its Remembrance Day Poppy Appeal campaign with the Royal British Legion. Pocket App kept the design as simple as possible with the mantra of delivering core functionality to a high standard without compromising the deadline. Above all our team knew that it needed to make it incredibly easy for the user to donate to the cause. Equally it was important that the user had an engaging experience throughout; this was achieved through the digital poppy and populating the digital poppy field.

The ‘My Poppy’ app was developed in just three weeks and was available to download from 4th November 2014 in the run up to Remembrance Day on 11th November 2014.

Click on the link to Vote for Pocket App – http://bit.ly/1F7R1Oj