Pocket App teaming up with WAE

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Pocket App and wae are delighted to invite you to our ‘Digital Transformation – Is Your Company Ready?’ seminar where we will discuss what can be learnt from some of the innovative, high profile projects that public sector organisations have been forced to implement, while under huge pressure to reduce costs and provide a better citizen experience

Are you ‘truly’ ready to grasp digital?

What can we learn from some of the innovative, high profile digital projects that public sector organisations have been forced to implement, while under huge pressure to reduce costs and provide a better citizen service?

At our Digital Transformation – Is your Company Ready?’ seminar we intend to put the spotlight on two organisations to showcase how they have implemented ‘real world’ digital projects that have not only moved their organisation forward, but advanced the industry as a whole.

  • Adrian Hutchinson, Police Lead for Mobile Technology from Metropolitan Police will be talking about how the Met Police has implemented a digital iPad strategy, piloted with the Hammersmith and Fulham force, resulting in 87% of crimes now being reported electronically. Hear about the challenges that Adrian and his team overcame and how will this is expected to advance the Met Police Service going forward.m Learn more about Adrian here – LinkedIn
  • Luke Alexander, Manager of Corporate Communications for LLDC, London Legacy Development Corporation will talk about how his team developed an interactive app to help visitors to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park better navigate around. Luke will talk about how this is expected to increase visitors to the Park and why this is the first of a number of digital innovations LLDC has planned. Learn more about Luke here – LinkedIn
  • Interactive panel session led by industry thought leader, Mark Bainbridge, CEO and Founder, BCA Associates. Participants include, Chris Averill, CEO, wae, Paul Swaddle, CEO, Pocket App, Luke Alexander, Corporate Comms Manager for LLDC, Adrian Hutchinson, Police Lead for Mobile Technology for the Metropolitan Police. This session provides a forum to direct questions, to dig further into digital transformation and leave with a clear view on the ten best practice principles when approaching your digital project.

And finally the unique opportunity to network with other digital marketers, innovation directors and c-suite professionals.

Places are on a first come, first serve basis, so register your interest now and avoid disappointment.

When: 17th September 2015, 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Where: London Transport Museum

RSVP: Michael Bartley, C8 Consulting,
or telephone 0118 949 7750

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