Mobile – Users are getting younger

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The next generation of children are well versed with the technology. Not only are more children using tablets and smartphones, they’re using them for longer periods of time. The amount of time spent using these devices tripled. This had led to parents feeling uneasy about their child using a device unsupervised.

The infographic below shows that mobile-devices are used among very young children and this is growing rapidly, especially compared to other mediums. 44% of British kids aged between 3 and 12 own a tablet device, with 30% of those aged between 3 and 4 having access to one. The App market is worth approx. $1.7 Billion annually.



There are many ways of securing the Apps and having a parental control over it. In iOS Family Sharing and ‘Ask to Buy’ allows parents to control what their children are able to download. For Android Parent Zone to produce a parental filter control app that lets children and their parents use on device safely. In the case of windows My Family allows parents to manage app and game downloads.

There are great opportunities to tap this year on year growing app industry for children. Great efforts have been taken by the mobile operating systems to allay parental concerns about children using the devices.

Here at Pocket App we understand the audience of mobile has become increasingly younger and we can implement relevant parental controls. There is still much opportunity for many children’s companies such as publishers, text book and toy manufacturers to embrace mobile and we are prepared to share our knowledge and work in collaboration with them.