Dear Customer,
In light of the ongoing developments around Coronavirus (COVID-19) we want to ensure you that we have implemented measures ensuring our business can continue to provide an uninterrupted service in these difficult times.
In general terms we have always invested in technology systems that encompass the latest cloud-based infrastructure. This is in relation to the specific threat Coronavirus offers will allow our teams to entirety to work from home.
In summary our business continuity plan includes:
• Identifying any employees at increased risk.
• The ability for office teams to work from home.
• Our software systems are cloud-based thus allowing continual access and efficient internal communication.
• Following guidelines to reduce the chances of infection and the spread of the virus.
• Ongoing communications with third parties allowing back-up plans to be swiftly implemented.
Our commitment to you:
We will continue to supply uninterrupted service and maintain the highest levels of service you have come to expect from Pocket App.
Should we start to have any unexpected circumstances which may affect supply we will clearly communicate this to all our customers via our normal communication methods / on our website.
As always, we remain committed to supporting your business with an unparalleled level of service and will continue to provide our customers with updates appropriately and promptly.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact your account manager via the normal channels.
Kind Regards
Paul Swaddle